We feel that if you are going to have a piano it’s a good idea to make sure it works. There are certainly at least a couple of folks that have their pianos purely for show. We respect that, and we can also help them keep those pianos looking amazing. Yet, it’s a good idea to keep a piano properly tuned even if it’s just for show in your home. Keeping it properly tuned is going to allow the piano to retain a lot of its value. Just in case you ever want or need to sell it.
How Often Should You Be Looking Into Tuning?
This is something that you should be looking into at least on a yearly basis. Different pianos could have an altered timeline. That can come either because of the piano itself or because of the type of usage that you give the instrument. At the same time, the room that the piano is in could actually contribute to it falling out of tune. For the most part, though yearly tuning is the widely accepted recommendation.
When Was The Last Time That The Piano Was Tuned?
When some folks read about the yearly tuning they quickly think about the last time that they had the piano tuned. If it’s been years there is a good chance that if we try to tune the piano there are going to be some broken strings in the process at the very least. This is certainly something to think about. We are not going to lie. If you really want to give the piano a good chance to get back up and running tuning is going to be part of the process. Yes, there are times where restringing can come into play as well.
Are There Pianos That Are Beyond Repair?
Of course, there are pianos that could be beyond repair. There are also pianos that maybe could be repaired, but it may not make sense to repair them. For example, if you are looking to have a piano repaired to then go ahead and sell it, but the cost of the repair is going to leave you little to no profit margin on the deal then it certainly doesn’t make sense. When we are asked to tune or fix a piano in any way we do want to go over some of the different possibilities with folks to ensure that they are truly going to be able to benefit from our services.
An Active Role In Tuning
There are people that are certainly very particular about the time of care that they want to see their pianos get. If you want to play an active role in the tuning procedure we are going to welcome you to do so. At the end of the day, you are the one that is going to be using the piano and therefore the piano should sound like you need it to sound. At least that’s how we see it.