When we talk about potentially repairing a piano we are essentially referring to a multitude of different things. We can be talking about actually repairing the outer case and the cover to all of the interior pieces. Repairs can involve restringing, they can involve restaining, painting all of those things. There is a process that we go through with all repairs. We want to essentially draw out that process for you. That way you’ll be able to get a good idea of what to expect when you give us a call.
Making An Assessment of The Current State of The Piano
The first thing that we want to do before we start talking about potential repair procedures is to actually look into the state of the piano and figure out what type of procedures would help it out. There are certain pianos that maybe haven’t been serviced for a long time, but have been able to hold up reasonably well thanks to the fact that they have been kept in a room in ideal conditions. There are other pianos that may even be younger but are torn apart in a shorter amount of time because they get no help.
Will Replacing The Original Pieces Within The Piano Decrease Its Value?
This is one of those questions that we’d have to answer yes and no. It really depends on what you want to do with the piano. If the piano doesn’t work it’s going to lower its value considerably. Is it worth it to have it repaired with new pieces? Well maybe, maybe not. Ultimately you could sell it to a collector of antiques. They could give you more money than someone who would be more interested in a working piano. We can help you with appraisals and make those types of decisions.
Paint/Stain All-Around Exterior Work
This is another one of those questions of should I shouldn’t I. It really depends on what you have your piano for. If the overall value of your piano is not what you are interested in as much as having it look good in your home then we would say painting is something that you should be looking into. We are going to be able to make sure that we don’t get paint on any part of the piano that doesn’t need paint. This is certainly something that we are very cognizant about. At the same time we can assure you the paint we’ll use will be perfect for the particular surface.
Finish Off With A Proper Tuning
If you are already going to make the investment to repair the piano it only makes sense that when it’s all set and done you’ll have a piano that sounds amazing. Therefore, as the finishing touch on any repair procedure, we advise that you allow us to tune the piano. That way before you know it you’ll have a fully working piano that you are going to be able to show off your skills on!